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Personal Developement Sarah Bennett-Nash Personal Developement Sarah Bennett-Nash

Harness The Power Of Uncertainty

What do we need to be focusing on during times of uncertainty?

Hello my lovelies,

Like so many other people right now I do not assume that my week will unfold the way I would usually expect.  We recently received an email from Chloë’s school week that one of her teachers unfortunately had contracted COVID so had to self-isolating.  We chose to get tested and we’re thankfully negative.

There were two ways to deal with this situation.  Get super annoyed that we’re unable to go on holiday that we feel like we desperately needed, OR be grateful that we’re in a fortunate position to be able to book a holiday.  I chose the second option.  

In context everything that is going on in the world right now, all the suffering, hardship and pain created by the coronavirus, this uncertainty is certainly a small matter of concern.  

But, it got me thinking.  What do we need to be focusing on during times of uncertainty?

  1. Do not over consume yourself with planning and upcoming events - you don’t know how things will unfold

  2. Focus on all the reasons to be grateful. I have my health, an incredible little family, the worlds beautiful places aren’t going anywhere and you can find good in almost everything that happens

  3. Get into the moment and try exploring new ways to finding fun, enjoyment and fulfilment in the simple things in life …I’ve adopted this approach and I’m discovering simple ways of having fun and so far I’m loving it!

  4. Keep reminding yourself to keep perspective. In comparison to what so many people are experiencing yours is probably small fry!

  5. Some of our greatest achievements come from times of stress. Being under pressure can make you more focused, a better problem-solver, and a braver risk-taker. Make stress your friend.

For most of us, stress is part daily life.   Right now most of us are experiencing much higher levels of stress than we would usually encounter.  This pandemic is not making life any easier. 

But you can take charge of how you think and feel about stress using it to be your powerhouse to generate just about anything.  

“There was a study that tracked about 30,000 adults for almost a decade in the U.S. At the beginning of the study, they asked people first, ‘How stressful is your life? And then also, ‘Do you believe that your stress … is bad for your health?’… And what they found is that for the subset of people who had very stressful [lives] and most strongly believed that their stress was harmful, they had a 43% increased risk of dying from any cause over the next decade. But the people who had the most stressful lives and did not strongly believe that stress was bad for them, they were the most likely to be alive at the end of the decade. … This study caught my attention because first of all, it suggests that stress is not always the enemy.” – Kelly McGonigal 

When you change your mind about how you feel about stress you can change your response.  

So why not get better at managing your stress?  

Stress is your body’s way of getting you to respond the challenge ahead.  It’s not the enemy.  When you look at stressful situations through a different lens, your body believes you and your stress response becomes healthier.  How you think and how you act can transform your experience of stress.  

You can choose to experience your stress response as helpful you create the biology of courage. You can essentially train your brain to response in a helpful way to support you through the stressful scenario.  It’s called personal development and it’s massively empowering.

Ask yourself, how should I response to this situation? Believe in yourself that you competently manage the situation and you’ll feel yourself start to relax.  One you find your rhythm you will find that you feel more confident and enthusiastic even in stressful situations.  This in turn will help you connect with people and help you perform on a whole new level. 

We're more than a club, we're here to help you vault into the next level.  The Enterprise Vault, inspiring change in you.

All our love 💖

Team TEV


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Personal Developement Sarah Bennett-Nash Personal Developement Sarah Bennett-Nash

Why creating real confidence is SO important

Hello Gorgeous,

It’s Sunday and I’m feeling very reflective.  September has been full of fun and challenges.  It would be so easy to focus on all the demanding aspects of the month… there have been many! But I made a decision not to.  There’s so much to be grateful for.

Chloë’s loving being back at school, she’s thriving and I’ve seen her confidence sky rocket this month🚀 We’re finally finishing an aspect of our apartment renovation that has been on hold for 3 years and it feels GOOD to be near completion.  And Rupert and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary 

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve spent some time feeling anxious about things, mostly at 03:00 in the morning; making a very unhelpful dint in my energy levels and it really hasn’t helped me.  

What has helped me?  Tackling my worries head on, making an actionable plan and knowing where I’m heading has led me back to a full nights sleep and my confidence has returned, pwee! Confidence is the cornerstone for enjoying your life.., wow now that’s quite a statement.

So, why do I think confidence is SO important? 

I think Katy Perry sums it up quite nicely; with confidence you can pull off just about anything!

The good news is that you don’t need to have a degree from Oxford or Harvard, and you don’t need a great degree of sophistication either to create real confidence. Learning how to create real confidence will change your life.

What is confidence? 

  • Confidence is your assurance.  A firm believe, trust, reliance, the belief in your own abilities. 

  • Confidence is your inner conviction about the outcome any given situation.  Your conviction that you have the ability to deliver and perform a given situation.

  • Confidence is trust or faith in a person or thing.  When you have a trusting relationship, you have confidence in it.

  • Confidence is the settled piece of certainty in your soul.  Knowledge that you can achieve your goals.  The inner sense that all is right and well in the world.

  • Confidence is fearless, boldness and courage.  It’s the stuff that leads you to stand up for yourself even under adversity. You’ll never take a firm stance on anything without confidence.

So, why wouldn’t you want to build real confidence?  

This such important stuff and that’s why we’ve dedicated we’ve focused a whole month at The Enterprise Vault to confidence.  It’s the linchpin to almost every skill in your armoury.  

Confidence is the powerhouse that will allow you to start taking real action. It’s the stuff you can learn how to generate that will set you apart from the crowd and drive you to your next level.

Learning how to increase my confidence is how I broke through my doubts and struggles.  I learnt how to build courage so I could follow my dreams, live my intentions every day, and go for that M.D level role in a FTSE 100 company. 

I invested time in building confidence and I’m now able to inspire other people to go after their big goals, because time does not stand still.  At The Enterprise Vault, we’re going to show you how to build a new level of confidence. 

WATCH NOW. http://bit.ly/howtocreateconfidence

All our love 

Team TEV 

P.S. Don't keep us all to yourself, please share The Enterprise Vault love with your friends 

P.S.S Click here to get social with us

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Personal Developement Sarah Bennett-Nash Personal Developement Sarah Bennett-Nash

Set Yourself Up To Succeed

You can switch these feelings and anchor the nervous, so you don’t freak out!  All you need to do is reframe these feelings to send a signal to your brain that you are excited.  This will help you focus on what you need to do. 

This is really powerful stuff for sales, public speaking, presentations.  Tell your brain that you are excited.  Say it out loud… I’m so excited … I’m so excited.  You’re reframing.   Your brain with reposition these thoughts and feelings from anxiety to excitement, leaving you to focus on your performance.

You’ll miss out on so much if you let fear run your life, let’s break the habit of worry and self-doubt and focus on achieving more in your life.

If you are looking for some support, come and join our community of incredible women.  Click this link.

Much love


p.s if you’ve enjoyed this blog, don’t keep it to yourself, share the love 💕

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Personal Developement Sarah Bennett-Nash Personal Developement Sarah Bennett-Nash

3 Dangerous Confidence Thieves

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”

~Pablo Picasso

Confidence takes practice.  It sounds strange doesn’t it?  It’s call the confidence-competency loop.  The more you practice the more your confidence grows, and the more this will shine through into the exterior world.

Picasso is one of the most famous and successful artist.  Did you know that throughout his career, he created more than 20,000 paintings, drawings, sculptures, and ceramics? Despite the staggering number of pieces he created and his incredible talent he only has a handful of famous paintings.  

Dyson’s breakthrough came after 15 years and 5,127 prototypes. “Designing something that works well requires careful thought and precise measures, then relentless testing and prototyping …it takes time” - Dyson.

 there are also a number of other things that can steal your confidence.

1. Impatience  

Perhaps the biggest thing that is holding you back right now is your impatience.  How many things have you given up because you weren’t seeing the result you immediately expected?  In our society today we want immediate gratification and we all love our instant downloads and our Amazon Prime accounts but its unrealistic to think that you will achieve overnight success. 

I know.  This is super hard to digest when it seems like every advertisement you see is about how to make thousands of dollars in 5 minutes! Apologies to repeat this, but overnight success is extremely rare.

2. Fear

The fear of putting yourself out there into the big wide world can be so big you feel like your only option is to put the brakes on your project.  The trick is to move away from the hypercritical state of self-doubt and push your project forwards.  Past failures do not dictate your future, they create your future.  

So have the courage to take action despite the uncertainty.  

3. Helplessness

Are you are feeling insecure and have low self worth?  Ouch, I know this one well and boy oh boy does it hurt. 

My self worth used to be so low, I used to let people walk all over me!  And you know that you are in this way of thinking when you are leaning on excuses like “nothing ever goes my way” so I’m going to give up trying.  

You can break this pattern of behaviour by laughing at yourself a little.  Don’t take it so seriously. 

Shuffle the cards and find that something that brings in the energy.  Focus on the aspects of your life, business or career that energies you… then start collecting the success stories.

You are capable of remarkable things and you could never foretell and you will never discover without taking action.

If you've like this blog post, don't keep it all to yourself, share the love with your friends.  xxx

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Sarah Bennett-Nash Sarah Bennett-Nash

5 Ways To Get Paid Doing What You Love

Hello gorgeous,

Have you ever wanted to get paid for doing what you love? I know, I know, silly question, of course you do!

Even if you don’t believe it just yet, you can make money out almost anything that you love doing.  But there are so many reasons why people don’t press ahead. We all plant these limiting ideas in our heads: I don’t have time, I don’t have the right skill set, I don’t have the money, the economy is not good right now… so, how do you over come this?

Start think about where the opportunities lie.  As an example there are going to be millions more people coming on line over the next few years and people are yearning for new information.  People are looking for wisdom and knowledge; you could offer huge value your chosen field.  You've got the ability to share your story with people in a way that helps them connect with you.  Millions of people are looking to improve their life and go to the next level. 

If you're an employee think about how can you add more value. How can you contribute more ideas, mentor more people, learn more, grow your network and take care of other people in your workplace?  Check in and be realistic, are you in the right place to build your career.

Trust in your own voice.  And get serious about what you're going to offer the world.  Here are 5 ways to help you get started:

1. Claim your topic and your expertise
What would you like to impart to the world?  You’ve got this far in the world so it's likely that you have been through your fair share of trails and tribulations. And I’m sure if you're determined to earn more and change your life, you’ve tried a few different things and you’ve had struggles.  Look back and see what you’ve learnt. 

People become influencers because they own it.  Even experts have to start somewhere so research, research and research some more.

2. Teach weekly and post out your content consistently

Start a blog, or post a video every week. And then post little clips and quotes, drawing people back to that blog.  You can put the content of you blog out to your audience for the remainder of the week.  You’ll soon have a library of exciting topics that you’ve covered.

3. Get in your customers head

Get to know you customer intimately, yes intimately!  Know what it will take for your people to double their revenues and grow their brand.  And go above and beyond don’t just solve their problem… solve their problem and then double it.  Just solving the problem isn't enough.  You’re teaching aspirations.  Think about their future and where they want to go. This is just as applicable wether you are running your own business and/or if you are an employee.

4. Create your offer or solution

Get into the detail of what is happening in the market place and how what is/is not working.  Really understand how you fit into the market place and how you can provide the most value.  You undoubtably have something truly unique to offer, so think outside the box about tailored solutions, it’s not the generic solution that is going to get you noticed.

5. Value yourself

Recognise that you’ve got something worth putting out into the world; it’s your job to get some support and get started! Where is your hunger and your passion? Even the biggest stars had to start somewhere; never let your small beginnings become small minded.

If you're still feeling a little lost, join us in Marylebone London at Home House on the 3rd March for your Transformation. If you've been thinking about making a transition in your life, you're looking to generate new ideas, you're ready to feel invigorated and live the best year yet, this is for you!   Find out what you are really capable of.

Love you all and have a brilliant week!


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