Women In Business

Leap Into Success: Conquering Your Fears and Building a Thriving Business

Leap Into Success: Conquering Your Fears and Building a Thriving Business

What's scarier—starting your own business or abseiling down a 17-floor hospital in London? In this post, I share my thrilling experience and how it mirrors the fears and triumphs of entrepreneurship. If you're ready to conquer your fears and take your business to new heights, this is a must-read. Plus, learn how you can support the amazing work of the London Air Ambulance Charity.

What to do when things aren’t marrying up ✨

What to do when things aren’t marrying up ✨

Don’t loose hope 🚀

Do you ever feel like you’re not quite in the right place? Perhaps you’re working in the wrong job, you’re yearning to set up a business or you’re in the wrong relationship. Things just aren’t marrying up.

Double Bind

In a nutshell - If a woman behaves in a “feminine” way, she may be liked, but she may not be respected or seen as a leader. If she operates in a “masculine” way, she's judged and disliked.

Take a look. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the topic.

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