Money Mindset

From Pennies to Prosperity: Unlocking the Power of a Positive Money Mindset

From Pennies to Prosperity: Unlocking the Power of a Positive Money Mindset

In a world where financial security seems increasingly elusive, the key to unlocking lasting prosperity lies within the power of your mindset. "Unlock Financial Freedom" is not just a guide; it's a pathway to transforming your relationship with money. By embracing a mindset of abundance and aligning your financial actions with your deepest values, you can rewrite your financial story. From understanding the psychology of wealth to implementing practical wealth-building strategies, this guide is your compass in the journey from financial constraints to boundless economic possibilities. Join us as we explore how to master your money mindset for a life filled with prosperity and freedom.

In a world that often equates success with financial wealth, it's no surprise that many of us find ourselves chasing after the almighty dollar, hoping it will lead to happiness and fulfillment. However, what if I told you that the key to unlocking true prosperity lies not in the accumulation of wealth itself, but in the cultivation of a positive money mindset? Yes, it's the perspective you adopt about money that shapes your journey from pennies to prosperity.

Mastering the Magic of Money

“Only those who become money conscious ever accumulate great riches.  Money consciousness means that the mind has become so saturated with the desire for money, that one can see one’s self already in possession of it” - Napoleon Hill

I consider it a real privilege to be in your inbox every week.  Your time and attention is not something I take lightly.  I truly believe that together we can change the world. And having the power to change the world starts with your money mindset.  Does that sound like a strange thing to say? I think not!  …without having real power over your money, how can donate to your favourite charity, treat a friend to lunch, or pay for those dancing lessons your little girl has been nagging you about?  

Your relationship with money is the key to you finally earning the income you deserve, bringing more abundance to your life and business, and enriching the lives of those around you.

If you’re not willing to address your relationship with money, and take action to change your situation you will get left behind, and this will leave you frustrated.  It is possible to have a little bit of success with limiting money beliefs and habits, but you will end up sabotaging your success and your money disappears as quickly as it enters your bank account.  

“One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when on his overtaken by temporary defeat” - Napoleon Hill. This was certainly the case for me not so long ago when I literally emptied the last £40 out of my bank account.  I was petrified at this point and scared about what was about to come.  I envisaged a debt tsunami!  

You may also find yourself stuck in a poverty or scarcity mindset.  The universe responds to whatever you are putting out, so if your mindset is about grown and increase, then this is what you will receive back.  If you are fearful and critical, this is what you will receive.

Easy to say! I hear you.

If this is you, let go of everything you are holding onto right now.  Let the day go and then let the warm, inner peace wash over you as you close your eyes just for a few minutes to get really centred. Creating some room in your heart and mind will help you move through the scarcity.

Keep pushing through; push through the uncomfortable pain barrier, and believe me I know your pain!  The universe really does have your back.  

If you have found value in this news letter, please share it with your friends.  It would mean the world to me.

Thanks again and have an amazing weeked.

Much love



5 Simple Money Mindset Shifts that Payoff Huge!

Hello gorgeous peeps,

Last week I was really focused on my own money mindset and boy oh boy there were some demons in my closet to shake out.  I made some monumental inroads; I now feel lighter and I’ve got the spring in my step back.  Since putting in the work I’ve had the tune “Dreams Can Come True” running through my mind!  

Money mindset work really is incredible - already I’ve had a free cab ride from the tube whilst it was pouring down with rain on Saturday, I received $120 from some tiles I returned and I’ve booked a new client. Whoop whoop!  

It pays huge dividends to work on your money mindset on an ongoing, daily basis.  It's like exercise the more money mindset work you do, the stronger you become. Remember thoughts become things …And with the holidays coming up (yes there really are only 63 days to Christmas!), travel, parties, gifts and extra time with the family it’s inevitable that money will be a hot topic.  So, stop telling yourself that you are not good with money and start taking actions to improve your money mindset.  

There is so many powerful changes you can make to improve your relationship with money. Here are 5 simple tips for you:

  • The key one for me is, any time you part with money bless it and say “there's always more where that came from”
  • You can become financially fabulous and learn to value yourself, train that money mentality muscle!  Every day write down the 3 things that you value about yourself or where you add value to someone else's life.   Adding value to someone's life can be smiling, letting someone know that you love them. Celebrate yourself. 
  • Oprah says “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough”.
  • Spread the wealth.  When you are feeling a lack around money, donate to your favourite charity.
  • Respect every $,€ or £ that crosses your path.  If you see a penny on the street, grab that penny and be so grateful that you saw the opportunity.  It's a sign that you are on the right track for receiving money.  Every penny counts. 

For more practical steps click the link for my 7 module self-study course Becoming Financially Fabulous.  I give you the armoury you need to grow your income and become financially wealthy.

Have you broken free from the scarcity of money?  Or, if you haven't managed to do so yet, what actions are you going to take to change your story.  I’d love to hear from you.  How exactly did you do it?

If you have found value in this news letter, please share it with your friends.  It would mean the world to me.

Thanks again and have an amazing week.

Much love

