The Power of Clarity - Steps to Achieving Any Goal

Hello Gorgeous,

Welcome to September.  The final quarter of 2017.  I can hardly believe that we are here already, this year has absolutely FLOWN by.  Do you know what I mean?  

I love the autumn.  Everyone is back from their summer holidays revitalised, pumped up and ready to roll to the end of the year.  

Q4 is also a time for reflection.  How have you made a difference in 2017?  What have you achieved?  Have you achieved everything that you wanted to so far? If yes! Alleluia, well done you, I LOVE that!  …Now time to go and celebrate, whoop whoop! If no… well let’s not get down in the dumps about it just yet, there are still 4 months to go.  4 whole months to make a REAL difference.  

So let’s get started.  Answer me this, what has been holding you back?  Ready for some tough love …what excuses have you been creating to stop you taking that next step?  By the way, this is the next step that deep down you know you are ready for!

For years (yes years!)  I held myself back by telling myself “I pay the mortgage so I can't become my own boss, because we needed the security of a paycheck”.  I was stuck and I’d come to believe this fiction because I was REALLY scared to step out of my comfort zone.  TRUTH BOMB!   But by being brave and taking action I am now doing the thing I’ve been dreaming about for so long.  Even though some aspects of my life have been caving in around me, I feel the happiest I have felt in so long.  I have so much more balance in life, I love the challenges being an entrepreneur brings, and I absolutely LOVE the ladies that I work with. They inspire me to be a better human being every single day.  I am so happy, I can’t quite believe it some days.  

Are you ready to take the next step?  In this little note to you I have a FREE gift, in celebration of achieving one of my own personal goals this month. I launched a mini offer for the ladies in my private Facebook Group Fiercely Ambitious Entrepreneurs which was so much more successful than I could have imagined! The only reason I was able to gain this success is because I was and I am crystal clear on my goals.

I have a free workbook and bonus audio available for you to download - The Power of Clarity - Steps to Achieving Any Goal.

This incredible workbook will help you get started and enable you to create the success that you have been dreaming about for so long.  Let me know how you get on, I would LOVE to celebrate your successes with you. 

Anything is possible if you have the nerve.

Much love

Sarah xxx


...This one is a bit emosh! My top 5 tips to becoming resilient


Pinch yourself happy!