Bye Bye My Old Friend 2017

Hello Gorgeous,
This year has without a doubt been the biggest roller-coast of my entire life.  Getting to share this wonderful life with our little girl Chloë has been the absolutely highlight for me.  I’ve learnt so much from watching this incredible little person grow, and I don’t take it for granted. I consider it a huge privilege be a part of her world.  

Growing a business has also hoofed some life lessons my way too!  I’ve learnt so much from my incredible clients, and I’m so much stronger with my community of Fiercely Ambitious Entrepreneurs by my side. I now feel like I know my true supporters, my true friend and those people who truly have my back.  I’ve been so humbled by how people have given up their time and space to help out our little family; I have so many people who I’m grateful for in my life.

There has also been a few bumps in the road!  Being displaced from our home, the house renovation, a new baby, huge pressures on our finances, running businesses and generally dealing with a big shift in our lifestyle has put phenomenal pressure on my marriage and whilst there were times where I didn’t think we would make it though, despite the odds, we love each other dearly and have committed to making this work ***queue soundtrack “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”! 

Here are my 6 key lessons that I have learnt this year:

1. Taking care of yourself is fundamental for your success

If you’re not functioning properly, too tired, not enough energy, you’re are not exercising, working too hard etc… then you’re no use to anyone and you certainly won’t deliver the best results for your clients.  You need to take care of your body, mind and soul to ensure you can contribute your best results.  Once you firing on all cylinders, you can be generous with other people and give the world the very best of you.

2. Clarity - get clear on your big why
Why are you doing this? What is that it that you truly desire?  Take that big dream and define your mission and then break it down into manageable chunks.  Each chunk will break down further into tasks that you can easily achieve, that move you towards your bigger goal.  

3.Believe in yourself
Your success is a direct result of how much you believe in yourself and your unflagging ability to push through the noise, the naysayers and the doubters.  They may think what you are trying to achieve is the impossible, but only you truly know if you can do it!  What makes other people the expert on whether you can achieve your goals or not?  Don’t let them be the dictator of your destiny, it’s down to you and only you.

4. Surround yourself by other remarkable, like-minded people
Like-minded people will believe in you and encourage you to continue moving towards your goals even when feels like there is a mountain to move.  I’ve found my community of women in the Fiercely Ambitious Entrepreneurs my biggest supports through the good, the bad and the incredible. They just get it, and they get me!  Your community will give you advanced feedback so you can get smarter and smarter.  They will validate that you’re on the right track and keeps your dreams alive.

5. Take action.  Show up every single day keep inching towards your dreams
The power of intention is amazing, but you have to be moving towards your goals by taking action.  Whether is be journaling, calling a client, give back to other …keep the momentum going.

6. Focus
Don’t let your actions be defined by your inbox and what everyone else wants you do.  Study your craft, be the expert in your field.  What will it take to become the best of the best?  Reading a book a week? Taking a course? Study, pay attention, and learn from the best.  And then practice, practice, practice. This is the way that you will develop real competence and in turn you will be strong and confident in your delivery. 

Have yourself a wonderful New Years Eve tonight Gorgeous << Test First Name >> and I will see you in 2018.  I cannot wait to see what is ahead.  Will 2018 be your year of Transformation?  Set your intention for 2018 to be the happiest year of your life and every day, follow your hear and instinct down new paths.

This is a world of opportunities - this will be your year!
Much love
Sarah xxx

p.s. If you've found this blog useful please share the love with your friends


Be a World-Class Achiever with Super Sized Goals


Merry Christmas you Filthy Animals! And a Happy New Year!